About Us
Our range of performance and recovery products are designed to help keep active people active and to drive performance improvement. Whether you are an elite athlete looking to improve by an extra 1% or you are going for your first run in 5 years, you will benefit from the Lockeroom tools and our expert advice.
It’s time to get fit to play.

Book an Appointment with Cam
Cameron Lillicrap is an experienced musculoskeletal Physiotherapist with a special interest in sports injury prevention, occupational health and orthopaedic rehabilitation.
A former 'Wallaby' Rugby Union player, he has spent more than 45 years in the locker rooms of professional sport, including involvement in four Rugby World Cups.
Following his playing retirement, he returned to Rugby as Senior Physiotherapist for both the Australian Wallabies and Queensland Reds. He has also provided his clinical expertise to Occupational health programs at Qantas, Smith Snack foods, Oakey Creek Coal Mine and AMCOR.
His diagnostic skills and advanced knowledge of injury prevention and recovery are highly respected by Medical professionals, and sought after by athletes and active individuals.
Cam is providing physiotherapist consultations and appointments in our Gold Coast clinic.